Internet Secured

Emma Gardner
2 min readJan 12, 2021


After reading both Locking Down Your Digital Identity and How to Protect Your Digital Privacy in the Era of Public Shaming, I learned that my data is actually more secure than I thought it was initially. I searched my name on websites only one thing actually showed up. It was just my Medium account. I belive that his also has to do with the fact that I didn't have internet accounts or electronics of my own until eight grade. My parents were always worried about both general safety and internet safety.

Personally I have three emails. My school email, personal email, and my spam email. I tend to keep sensitive information off of all my accounts and if either names of birthdays are required I use fake ones. I also have a separate drive that contained passwords and sensitive information if they are need for things such as online doctors appointments or even just how to log into netflix. From the article How to Protect Your Digital Privacy in the Era of Public Shaming I made sure to update those passwords to be even longer and more abscure because I realized that they were becoming too repetitive. They also recommended updating as soon as new updates come out which I am glad to say I am good at! Mostyl because I hate getting the notifications or reminders for them. Something from this article that I belive is a bit extreme is putting cameras in your home. I can understand putting them outside but inside seems uncomfortable. I also am a bit paranoid from the ring camera hacking situation earlier last year. As well as both the data that is collected from the ring and the Alexa it seems like more of an open door into your life then making a simple password.

Overall I am glad the I read the two articles because I gave me comfort in knowing that I am doing my best to protect myself from the dangers of the internet and online security.

