Rebuild the Internet

Emma Gardner
2 min readJan 8, 2021


The internet is us. We curate our own internet bubble, and we gain from those with the same or opposite view. The internet works by informing, connecting, and damaging those who use it. It can work for us or against us. As I said in a recent post, I like to refer to the internet as a “person” as it intertwines with our most personal knowledge, being, and most importantly, data. We can think of it as a magic eight ball that happens to be your closest friend. It lives everywhere like a nomad. If a nomad told horrible truths, great knowledge, and knew it was your grandma's birthday today. I grew up with the internet so think of it as a good old friend who tries to get me to buy stuff but one thing for certain it has not made life entirely easy. For my take on the project rebuild the internet, I choose to show some of the minor anxiety-inducing things that have presented themselves because of well access to everything. The reason for such a seemingly easy task to look extremely torturous is because of ease of access and connection. I displayed this by drawing a brain, the second most connected thing in the world. Though sometimes it does not connect properly, just like the internet, it allows us to be connected. I also decided to show the process of decision-making and the influence that comes along with it. I believe that both the internet and the brain go hand and hand rather well.



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