Terms And Services (46 and me)

Emma Gardner
2 min readJan 12, 2021


Conditions of Use:

We will be able to both use all your data and DNA sample for cloning the perfect version of you here at 46 and me. When you new and improved you arrives you will be terminated as dorway.

Here at 46 and me, we take privacy very well lightly… So here you agree to use this product and we cannot get sued! Here is the Privacy Polocea. This was not spelled correctly. You have no privacy, yet this is legally binding. Here are some random words to make this seem longer than it actually is: Beef, Onion, Tacos. If you find out your parent's arent your parents welp…

Account Usage:

By using 46 and me, you agree that the laws of mars, without regard to principles of conflict of mars laws, will not govern the terms of service, or any dispute of any sort that might come between new you and old you, or us.

Members may not endanger the product as long as it is not illegal, defamatory, and threatening.

We reserve all rights to remove and/or terminate users if not followed. When you freely give your DNA, you allow royalty-free and irrevocable right to use, reproduce, and modify such DNA content throughout the world in any form.

